We are joined by Sam Robinson, a therapist whose passion lies in helping and educating those vulnerable to the world of Chemsex. Often misunderstood, Chemsex is an addiction that causes devastating effects within but not exclusively the gay community. Chemsex combines the world of particular chemical drugs such as Methamphetamine and sex.
Samuel Robinson
A lot of the challenge with this client group is when they seek support from drug and alcohol services, people see, okay, this person has drug addiction and they have sex addiction, right? They're two things.
The difficulty is they are not separate in this context. The use of drugs is so entwined with the sexual behaviour that it is its own thing. We need to start seeing it as its own separate cultural thing within drug addiction. The difficulty is a lot of these people are falling through the gaps because we don't have a society that understands chemsex as its own standalone thing.
People know that AA exists, Narco-Anonymous exists. People know that there is rehabs out there for treatment for drug addiction. People know that sex addiction is kind of a thing. It's in the media. We see celebrities that say they've had it and things. But chemsex itself is very, very hidden. And so this is really my hope of being here and the thing is to say we need to start recognising this as its own individual identity and its own individual experience.
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Sam's own practice specialist in Chemsex addiction and LBGTQ+ lifestyle issues