Every LSD trip is unique to the individual, and is affected by the amount of LSD taken, where the person is located and who they are with, how comfortable they feel, and their general mood. If the person taking the drug feels depressed, angry or generally in a bad mood, LSD will make these feelings more intense and much worse.

Common signs of LSD abuse are:

  • Intense feelings of euphoria
  • Laughing and giggling
  • Feeling overwhelmed or in awe of people/objects close by
  • Feeling excited and energetic
  • Hallucinations
  • Confusion
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling suspicious
  • Panic attacks
  • Paranoia and fear

A person can become tolerant to LSD within as little as three days. If the same amount is taken every day for three days, the user will feel that by the fourth day, they require more to feel a high. Regular abusers need more and more of the drug to achieve the same trip. There have been documented cases of prolonged, intense use, causing negative side effects such as paranoia or psychosis.

During a trip, the following can occur:

  • Sensory enhancement
  • Tremors
  • Confused senses (synesthesia)
  • Anxiety
  • Delusions
  • Problems with vision and depth perception
  • Flashbacks
  • Low mood and depression

Warning signs of a tolerance/addiction to the effects of LSD include:

  • Taking increasing amounts of LSD
  • Mixing LSD with other drugs to get a stronger trip
  • Spending money intended for other things on LSD
  • Neglecting work, hobbies and family life as a result of LSD use

Withdrawal effects associated with LSD usage are very different to those that occur under the influence of stimulants or opioids. The withdrawal symptoms tend to be more psychological than physical. That said, psychological withdrawal can be just as challenging for a person to overcome, and support is needed.

Symptoms associated with this disorder include:

  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Mood swings
  • Poor co-ordination
  • Visualisations and hallucinations
  • Flashbacks

Frequent LSD use can greatly affect the way a person communicates, thinks, feels emotions and behaves.

If you or someone you love is struggling with LSD abuse or addiction, it is important to approach them in a way that will encourage them to seek help for their problem. Do your research, plan what you will say, and make sure that you have enough insight into the cause of their addiction. Many people who abuse drugs do not realise or will not accept that they have a problem, which can be the most difficult challenge to overcome. If you know someone who has a problem with LSD but will not seek help or refuses to quit, you may be able to stage an intervention with their other family and friends.