It's not uncommon for us to need to hear something more than once for it to sink in, sometimes it can take years for the penny to drop.


I'd heard it before, I'd sat on book studies with people you know, done the promises, the messages, the you-betters and the musts and highlighted the whole thing up and turned up every week and read it all out and wrote it all up on a Sunday night. But I just didn't know any of this stuff.


But do you think that was...


Honestly, it's true, mate. I didn't have a clue what I suffered with.


I've noticed there's a big problem when people, when people in general, but especially people with addiction, and this is the problem, that they hear but they don't understand. You get these revelations, you just realise. It's like, oh, that's what that means.

But I think that's a very important thing, isn't it? And I think you highlighted that perfectly, that you just don't understand, that you didn't understand. And you were hearing it, but it weren't going in because the brain damage.


A lot.


Because of the brain damage. I think it's the brain damage.

Listen to the full episode available now.