Here at East Coast Recovery, we strive to offer the best support and care for our clients. We understand the process of recovery and how challenging that can be not just for the individual but also the family and friends of the individual.
Many other rehabilitation centres predominately focus on the person suffering with the addiction. This is of course a vital part of getting that person on their journey to recovery. However, the issues surrounding addiction don’t just affect the person with the addiction but the people who are in their lives.
East Coast Recovery recognises the need for support to those family and friends. This is something that we find highly important to help the individual suffering as well. The way in which family and friends may need a safe space to be able to talk about issues or feelings surrounding addiction and their loved one. The ways in which they behave, their actions and attitudes towards the person suffering addiction, how they can have an impact on that person’s recovery.
Family Talk is something which we have set up to help family and friends of loved ones suffering with addiction. It is a safe space which is hosted by our Head of Therapy, Jakana. It takes place over Zoom which allows for people anywhere across the world to join if they want too. It is a key element for us that this is accessible to anyone who would like to access it.
Predominately this isn’t something which we wish to promote to students or professionals in the field of addiction and the brain, but it is something which has been created for those with loved ones who are either suffering with addiction or in recovery. It is to help those carry on with their lives and be able to speak about anything which may be on their minds.
The aim of the sessions is to help further knowledge on addiction. It also offers a safe space to talk and ask questions if there is something which you may not understand. The group happens every week, each week the focus is on a different topic.
If this sounds like something that you would want to be a part of don’t hesitate to contact our Treatment Advisors who will be able to send you the link to join our unique family talk sessions. It is sure to be useful and we warmly welcome all new faces to the group.
You can listen to a conversation with our Head Therapist Jakana why support for family members is so important.
If you are a family member who is struggling to support someone in addiction and feels that they would benefit from 1-2-1 support we also offer online therapy with a trained specialist.

If you don’t believe us, just have a read of some comments from a couple of our weekly members and what it means to our previous Head Therapist, Eleanor, to be able to provide these sessions below:
“Just a few lines to say thank you to Danni, Eleanor and Sonia, for the incredibly supportive and informative Family Talk sessions that you’ve held via zoom at ECR the last few weeks. Although in recovery myself and sober, the years of trying to deal with a loved one in active addiction/alcoholism have been nothing short of soul destroying. It’s so very hard to know what the “right “or “wrong” thing to do or say is and then how to live with those decisions.
Your groups have been and continue to be a very safe, confidential and non-judgemental space to be. A place to share honestly and to know you are not alone.
Words of wisdom and experience from Eleanor are hugely appreciated. (Particularly grateful to be told my loved one has their “Own Higher Power” should they wish to use it. I always think it has to be me?
I feel more peace than I did before and for this I truly thank you all.” - Debbie
“Being able to join the family zoom talks weekly, has been so supportive for me. I have learnt so much more about addiction. I always felt so alone, but now realise that Is not the case. ECR has been exceptionally good to my son and through him I have learnt that addiction can only be controlled if you believe in yourself and accept the help that is being offered you.” – Jean
“I started attending Family talk a few months ago. Even though I’m in recovery myself from alcohol I’m struggling with a loved one who has drug and alcohol addiction. I found every session I’ve attended to have been a massive help. I thought things through differently and have made me think of my behaviour in their addiction.
There has been a topic every week that has been helpful. Hearing other families talking about their concerns and loved ones has also brought things up that I hadn’t thought of.
No matter what happens I know there is going to be someone at ECR I can share with every week and it’s certainly has made what we’re going through feel a lot lighter to me so that makes me more supportive to my family members too.
I’m so very grateful for this wonderful place and people for the amazing recovery work they do not only in rehab but to everyone who is involved. Eleanor and Danni let you know they are there for you and that is so important. Thank you” – Evonne
Words from our previous Head of therapy, Eleanor, “Many families feel a great sense of relief when their loved ones are admitted into our care, but along with that, they are full of concern and questions about their treatment and their future.
On the weekly family talk we are able to share valuable information about the disease their loved ones are suffering from, and the programme of recovery that our treatment will introduce them to.
Along with this we address their concerns, try to answer their questions and discuss topics, related to addiction and recovery.
Our families tell us that the information and support that they receive from us and each other has proved invaluable and many continue to attend long after their loved ones leave our care.”
The family support group is to provide general information relating to addiction and how you can best help and support your loved one in their recovery. The information provided by our head therapist will help your understanding of addiction and provide you with some support.
You can register your interest in this event by making contact with us.
By registering, you agree to the etiquette and boundary expectations below.
Boundaries and Meeting Etiquette
The weekly family talk support group is to provide general information and support to family members relating to addiction and how you can best help and support your loved one in their recovery. If you are considering residential rehab for a loved one, you are welcome to request from our Treatment Advisors to join the weekly family group. This will enable you to talk to other families, ECR Addiction Therapists and the Director. We are however unable to discuss individual clients/service users during the meeting.
Please Note:
This is not the forum to make a complaint – this will be directed to the appropriate department
This is not the forum to discuss financials or potential admits etc – this will be directed to the appropriate department
Meeting Etiquette
All meeting guest’s will be placed on “mute” when accessing the zoom meeting. Please un-mute if you have a question.
Use the video option when possible. It lets people see you.
More light is better. Video quality is dramatically improved with more lighting.